Monthly Archives: May 2018

Awesome Experience!

First, if you haven’t seen this story about a woman and a rescued bumblebee becoming friends, watch this:

And now for my story. I was out in the garden today, and I saw a huge bumblebee sitting on the ground, not moving. I touched it, and discovered it was alive, but obviously very weak. Thinking of the above video, I picked it up (which took a bit of courage as it was HUGE) and brought it over to some comfrey flowers. It immediately stuck out its feeding tube, and started eating. So I spent a few minutes moving my hand around from flower to flower. After maybe five minutes, as it seemed stronger, I decided to put it on a clump of flowers and leave it…but after it drank from the last flower, it turned around to face me, and stretched out its legs toward me! When I put my hand out to it, it immediately stepped onto my fingers. Sweet little thing….I sincerely believe it knew I was helping it! So I carried it around to more flowers…until it suddenly revived, buzzed its wings, and flew away. It would probably have died if I hadn’t found it, and I’m so glad I did.

Butterflies, Rainbows, and First Pears!

First of all…the pears! I planted this tree about four years ago, and this year, it not only bloomed for the first time, but it’s also setting quite a lot of fruit. It’s a Seckel, a miniature pear.


Really happy to see this. I hope the squirrels don’t eat them all…the squirrels are becoming a major problem for my entire neighborhood. They are destroying everyone’s garden, eating everyone’s fuit, nesting in attics, and actually chewing off one neighbor’s house siding! They are literally just rats with fluffy tails, and one neighbor is going to try shooting them with a bb gun. I have my doubts he’ll manage to hit any, much less control the problem, and I suspect I’ll need to start treating this overpopulation of squirrels like I do when I have an overpopulation of rats. People….if you wouldn’t put food out for rats, don’t feed the squirrels, either. They are not “cute” when they start eating your house siding right off your walls!

What is cute is a mama hen, teaching her chicks to roost for the first time.


Sansa has had it with nest boxes…she and her chicks now roost every night. They still snuggle underneath her, however!

We don’t have many butterflies in my area apparently – because I hardly ever see any, despite my garden being filled with flowers for them. One variety we do see occasionally is the Western Yellow Swallowtail. It normally flits through at top speed, and about the time I see it, it’s gone.


Yesterday, it not only stuck around for several moments, it allowed me to get REALLY close with my camera! Such a gorgeous big one, too…it was fully four inches across.


It felt like a gift from God.

Also a gift…when I got off work last night at 8pm, there was a rainbow waiting for me. It was so strange, because I’ve never seen a rainbow before when it wasn’t raining, and not only had it been sunny all day, but the skies looked like this:


There was just one little patch of darker clouds over to the southeast, and a rainbow. By the time I got home, the skies surrounding the bow were darker still, there was only a little bit of the rainbow left:


Thank you, Lord, for the promise of what’s past…and the warning of what’s to come.

Chicks and Bunnies!


Just look at the feet on this little Rex fellow! He’s only about four weeks old.

They were much smaller such a short time ago….


They grow so fast.


Here’s a video when they were just about twelve days old:

And here’s another at four weeks:

We also have new chicks on the farm. Two are with Ophelia, and apparently I didn’t get pictures yet, so those will be for another blog. The other two are Dark Cornish, a traditional meat breed. We’re giving them a try, to see how it goes. They are fostered on Sansa, my 1 year old Cream Legbar. She is a perfect mother.


It is so much fun to see chicks out in nature with their mother, learning how to be real chickens.

I’ve also been working in the garden. I got the roof on the meat chicken coop finally:


Don’t you just love the metal duck? I also bought a metal chicken!


She is hanging out in the brand new wildlife garden area. It’s still very much a work in progress.


I also got the summer kitchen largely completed. The roof is on, the lights are installed, and I have a sink and counter, even if neither is *quite* finished. It’s usable, at least.



I need to add a door onto this sink cabinet, at some point. And also install a faucet.


I’m really pleased with my kale bed. Last year, it bolted, so I cut it off at the ground, and covered it in some mulch/rabbit poop. I was getting ready to replant, when to my surprise, the kale came back up from the roots, flourished the rest of the summer, and overwintered to provide some gorgeous kale in the very early summer. It’s just beginning to bolt again, so I think I’ll cut it off again at the roots and see if I can keep this bed going forever!


Very early spring, before the roses and the peonies and the rest of the drama queen flowers bloom, is really my favorite time in the garden. Everything is SO beautiful.




What in the World is Going On?

In the nineteenth century, Queen Victoria once asked her Prime Minister: “Mr. Disraeli, what evidence can you give me of the existence of God?” After thinking for a brief moment, the PM replied, “The Jew, your Majesty.”

This is as true now as it was then. The mere existence of the Jew – and of Israel – is an absolute miracle. Israel was destroyed as a nation in 70 A.D., and just as the Bible foretold, the Jewish people were scattered throughout all the nations of the world. The Bible also predicted that 2/3 of them would be killed, and afterward, the remnant would be re-gathered back to their land, and the nation of Israel would be reborn in a single day. For hundreds of years, this was believed to be impossible, and proof that the Bible couldn’t be trusted. No nation, in the history of the world, has EVER been destroyed as Israel was, and yet was reborn.

But then the holocaust happened, and 2/3 of the European Jews were killed, and a remnant of them returned to their historical land. In their absence, it had become a desert swampland, completely undesirable. Mark Twain, when he visited the area, said “a desolation is here that not even imagination can grace with the pomp of life and action…we never saw a human being on the whole route…there was hardly a tree or a shrub anywhere. Even the olive and the cactus, those fast friends of the worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.”

Fast forward around 150 years. The Bible said that when the Jews returned, their nation would be reborn in a single day – and it was, on May 14th, 1948. The Bible also said that Israel would bloom and grow green, and “fill the face of the world with fruit”. From being barren, Israel is now the leading supplier of fruit to Europe!


Bible prophecies have been proven, over and over again, to be 100% accurate, 100% of the time, but there are still many prophecies left to be fulfilled. These remaining prophecies are ALLcoming to pass, right now, right in our time.

Very soon now, Damascus is not only going to be a ‘heap of ruins’ but will be so completely ‘taken away from being a city’ that no one will ever live in it again. Will Israel finally be threatened enough to wipe Assad out with a nuclear weapon? We’re on the brink of that, today, right as I write this. And once Damascus is gone, will the prophecies of Ezekial 38-39 be immediately fulfilled, when most of the nations of the world (notably including the current alliance of Russia, Turkey, and Iran named in the prophecy) gather together against Israel and seek to destroy her? The remaining nations will not attempt to stop this, they will merely accuse Russia and the others of coming to ‘take a spoil’ of Israel’s riches of gas and oil.

Fortunately for Israel, God in on her side, and will always rise up to protect her. Yesterday, Israel was attacked by rockets fired from Syria. Israel shot down four of the rockets. The rest landed in back in Syria! When the nations gather against Israel in the near future, however, God’s intervention will be immediate and undeniable. There will be a great earthquake, “and the mountains shall be thrown down, and the steep place shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground. And I (God) will plead against him (the leader of Russia) with pestilence, and with blood, and I will rain upon him…and upon the many people with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone. And thus…they will know that I am God.” So many of the enemy will die that Israel will be burying the dead for seven months.

This sounds very similar to the description of coming destruction upon the world in Revelation 6:12: “And…there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood…and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And (all peoples on earth) hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; and said to the mountains and the rocks, Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: for the great day of His wrath is come and who shall be able to stand?”

Before this day of wrath, God has promised to save all those who trust in Jesus Christ as their savior out of the world. He gave us a HUGE list of prophecies and future events, and told us that “when these things begin to happen, look up” for He will be returning to take us away. In the movies, the “rapture” as it is commonly known, is a sudden but secret event, where millions of people just suddenly vanish up to heaven, leaving no sign of what happened. I believe it’s going to be a lot more dramatic than that. I believe that when we go, God’s wrath will immediately fall upon the evil world. There will be seven years of increasingly terrible events: wars, and famines, and disease, and blatantly supernatural happenings. Most of the world will die, or be killed. Only a tiny, tiny remnant (including the Jews) will be left at the end, when Jesus returns again to put His feet back on the world He created. And when He does return, those of us who he took away earlier will be with him. Oh, God, how I look forward to this! To watch Him wipe away the curse of the this world and restore it to its perfect state. To help him rule it, sitting upon His throne with Him, kings and queens over all creation.

Very, very soon – quite possibly even this year, judging by how quickly ALL the Bible’s prophecies are being fulfilled, these things will start to come to pass. The true, born-again believers in Christ will vanish away, never to die, never to feel any grief or pain ever again, never to feel anything but incredible joy and pleasure, and those who chose to refuse His free gift of salvation will be plunged into the worse horror the world has ever known. It won’t be too late, even then, so if you’re reading this and you don’t believe it’s true, I hope you’ll remember these words when you see it happen with your own eyes. I hope you’ll recognize it, for what it is, and not fall prey to lies of the world, and the false reassurance of the world leader who is to come. Instead, I hope you’ll turn to a Bible, and read the book of John.

Check out these prophecies for yourself:
Hosea 4:3✔️ here’s a link for the mass animal deaths worldwide…
Acts 2:17✔️ visions and dreams (youtube rapture dream you’ll see thousands of them or end time dream)
Acts 2:19✔️ wonders in the heavens
Acts 2:20✔️ blood red moon tetrads, eclipses
Jeremiah 25:31✔️ (youtube strange sounds in the sky worldwide)
Daniel 12:4✔️ knowledge increase
2 Peter 3:3✔️ scoffers saying “where is the promise of his coming?”
2 Timothy 3:1-5 ✔️ perilous times.. Describes the times we see right now.. The character of people
Joel 2:28✔️
Mark 13:7-8 ️✔️wars and rumours of wars, earthquakes
Luke 21:11✔️ earthquakes and pestilences
Luke 21:25✔️ – distress of nations, rivers raging, blood red moon tetrads, unscheduled blood red moons, star of Bethlehem shone June. 30. 15 for the first time in 2000 years, revelation 12 sign was seen in the heavens Sept. 23. 17, Aug. 21. 2017 full solar eclipse
Zechariah 12: 1-3✔️ Nations gathering against Israel.. Look at resolution 2334
Matthew 24:10✔️ many will be offended perfect example of today and the political correctness agenda

Matthew 24: 33-34 Israel became a nation in 1948. The generation that saw Israel become a nation will certainly not pass.

Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 all coming to pass as we speak.

Isaiah 17:1 is soon to be fulfilled and when it does it will most likely be the catalyst that brings about the Ezekiel 38 war.
Ezekiel 38 forming
Psalm 83 forming
Mark of the beast technology.
Peace talks
Wars and rumors of wars
Talks about rebuilding temple:
– Search for eligible priest for 3rd temple
– Animal sacrifice to begin soon
Freak lightning and hail storms
HUGE sinkholes
One world religion agenda – interfaith movement. Muslims, Jews, and “a form of Christianity” praying to “same god” in Sept. 2016 for one week in Jerusalem.
New world order agenda

The ten plagues of Moses have made a comeback in 2016:
Waters to blood✅
Gnats or lice✅
Swarms of flies✅
Animals die✅

Those are just SOME of the prophecies coming to pass before our eyes

Jesus IS coming…and it WILL be within our lifetime. As for me, I’m looking up with greater and greater anticipation – I am so ready to leave this broken and destroyed earth behind!