Monthly Archives: May 2010

Chicken Coop Update

The weather here has been all over the map.  We’ve had torrential rain, and gorgeous sunshine.  And the way it’s been working out, is that the gorgeous sun happens on the days we’re either working, sick, or have something else that has to be done.  So progress on the coop has not been as rapid as expected.

Yup, not a great deal has changed since the last picture I posted.  However, I’ve been informed that the rest “won’t take long” to finish, so fingers crossed that the coop gets done before the chickens arrive.  There has been some work done, though:

While the attached run and roof are not done, the inside coop is looking really good.  It has walls, windows, and a window frame.

Now on to the chickens!  The fifth kind of chicken we are getting is the Welsummer.

Here’s the description from My Pet Chicken:

The Welsummer (sometimes spelled Welsumer) is named after the village of Welsum, Holland, and was first imported into this country in 1928. Welsummers are friendly, intelligent and easily handled birds that love to free range and forage for food but can also be kept in runs quite happily. Hens lay large, dark brown eggs that are often speckled, making them very lovely, indeed!  The coloring on the eggs is so thick that if you catch it while the egg is still wet, you can wipe off some of the brown with a clean cloth!

Don’t those eggs just look yummy?

Meant to be

You already know I’m a total geek, right?  So this won’t shock you:

I’ve wanted one of these lifesize cardboard standups of the Doctor ever since I became a fan.  Problem was, they only seemed to sell them in the UK, and shipping was just a bit too much (as in hugely too much) expensive.  So when I recently discovered they had crossed the pond, and were now selling on American Ebay…I had to do it.

Me and the Doctor…together at last.  🙂

Steampunk Librarians!

So my little gang of “Coolbrarians” had so much fun at the Abney Park concert last month, that we decided to have a ‘Steampunk Fun Day” – and wear our costumes while working!

It was fun watching the patrons trying to figure us out!

Notice the weapon on my thigh holster?  During the photo-taking, it kept getting stolen by Charlene….

….because everyone loves feeling badass!

I’m not sure exactly what was going on here….

….but you can definitely tell fun was had by all!  Plus, we ended  up on American Libraries magazine website – and possibly we’ll be in the print edition as well.  We’re also going to be printed in the Washington Library Association’s July edition of Alki.  We’re officially famous now!