Monthly Archives: November 2018

The World in 2019

Everyone sees it. The financial CPAs and stock gurus are preparing for the largest crash the market has ever seen, and the rich are building bunkers – a guy who builds bunkers for a living says he normally does two or three a year, now he has a wait list of thousands. The news is jam-packed full of disaster stories using the words “apocalyptic” “biblical” and “unprecedented”. World records are being made for flooding, fires, earthquakes, and storms. The USA is staggering under debt and division. It’s only a matter of time before we collapse, and when we go, it will have a huge impact on the rest of the world. The Economist, known for its colorful predictive covers, has only this to say:


And that’s only if America survives long enough for a financial or civil collapse. There are several powerful natural events that are overdue. The Cascadia Subduction Zone is locked and ready to go at any moment. I know a guy who is doing a documentary on it, and he’s interviewed most of the seismologists and local scientists (including Chris Goldfinger) and they all say it’s going to go. Soon. Some of them have to say it off the record, because they’ve been told not to ‘fear-monger’, but they all say it. He also interviewed FEMA employees, who said this area is completely unprepared, and there will not be help for the people who live here. The Northwest will be almost completely on its own. If you don’t have basic survival items, food, and water, on hand, you’re not going to make it.

And that’s just one natural event that’s poised to happen. There are many others, and there is now evidence to suggest that if one huge fault gives way, others would be triggered and also give way. This includes the supervolcano underneath Yellowstone, which is showing some alarming signs of waking up all on its own.

Things are beginning to happen in the world, things we have not seen before. But thousands of years ago, it was prophesied and written down in the Bible, the only book with a 100% track record when it comes to prophecy. There are over 300 prophesies concerning the first coming of Jesus Christ to earth, and each of those was fulfilled in exact and perfect detail.  The Bible says he is coming back again, and gives equally precise details about how the world will look right before he comes, and what will happen – and every one of those precise details is either happening (right now!) or else clearly in the process of coming together.

You think it’s bad now? Just wait. It will get so much worse. Unbelievably worse until the majority of the world’s population die from natural disaster, famine, disease, and war. But before those final seven years of horror, Christ will remove all his people from the earth, to protect them from that time. No one has to stay and experience that. God doesn’t want that. He loves every single person on the earth so much that he died a humiliating, horrifically painful death to pay the price of mankind’s sin. Of your sin. And because he rose again to eternal life, he can give that life to you.

But it’s a gift. Just like you can’t be perfect enough to earn your own way into eternal life, you could never do enough to earn God’s gift. In fact, God says that if you try to earn it with good works, everything you do is like ‘filthy rags’. He alone can give you perfection to wear, his perfection. Never yours.

I think the reason so many people try to earn their way to eternity is because God’s way seems far too easy. Just believe? Just trust? That’s all? But what about people who accept Christ, and then do bad things? How can they possibly be worth of heaven?

It simple because God loves us.  He wants all of us to be saved, and he doesn’t want it to be hard, or wearisome, or a heavy burden. Plus, he knows us. He knows our current bodies are formed of dirt, and that our nature is always going to be fundamentally selfish, prideful, and self-righteous while we are here on earth living in those dirt bodies. All he demands from us is our trust that he will eventually change our bodies into perfect ones, and our willingness for him to transform us into perfect people, filled with joy and made complete. Does this mean we can accept Christ and then do whatever evil we want? No. Once you’re saved by Christ, you will be a different person. You will feel differently, think differently – and your eyes will finally be opened, and you will see the world around you as it truly it. You will never be the same as you were before.

If you were with a person who you truly love – husband, child, parent – would you think to yourself, I love this person, and I know they love me, so I can do whatever I want to them, and it’ll be ok. I can cheat on them, and abandon them, and ignore their wishes, and be however selfish I want. Because we’re together. No. If you love someone, you want to do good for them. You want to be kind, you want to make them happy. Your relationship with God is no different. You want to do things to make him happy and proud of you…but not because you feel you have to constantly prove yourself and earn his love. On earth, that would be a bad relationship, and it’s no different with God. He loves you, and just like a good father, he will continue to love you, no matter what you do. Once he has adopted you into his family, he will never abandon or abuse you. And you, if you are a good child, will try to earn his praise – but you can never earn or lose his love. You are eternally secure, and bound for more pleasure and happiness that you can ever imagine.


Fun With Subscription Boxes

I love getting fun things in the mail. Periodically, I’ve signed up for one of those monthly subscription boxes…they have one for virtually every interest. I haven’t had one for awhile though, so last month I decided to treat myself and signed up for two.

One of them is called Lip Service.


I love lip balms, especially ones from sellers from places like Etsy. Ones with unique flavors and natural ingredients. I’m also a bit of a snob when it comes to lip balms; they need to have a very smooth, non-greasy texture or it’s a no-go for me. The first one they sent I ended up giving to mom – it had a nice smell, but was too grainy for me. This month’s was a keeper, though.


It smells just like cake, and is very smooth! I also like the surprise extras they include every month. Well worth the small fee.

The other box is a snack box. I’m always fascinated by candy/snacks from other countries, so I got the Universal Yums Box. Can you guess where the first box came from?


Love the packaging!


There was also information sheets about Russia, and about the snacks I was getting.  This would be such an excellent thing for a homeschool family!


The box is guaranteed to have at least six different snacks, and usually has more.


Reading the reviews of the Russia box online afterward, it seems to have been one of the least favorite boxes offered. I can say that there were definitely some strange and unusual flavors! The meat jelly one…ick.  But I did really like the grapefruit and chocolate, and the one with currants and marshmallow!

I’m looking forward to next month’s. If you’d like to give this box a try, sign up through this link, and you’ll get $5 off your box.