Tag Archives: David Tennant

Meant to be

You already know I’m a total geek, right?  So this won’t shock you:

I’ve wanted one of these lifesize cardboard standups of the Doctor ever since I became a fan.  Problem was, they only seemed to sell them in the UK, and shipping was just a bit too much (as in hugely too much) expensive.  So when I recently discovered they had crossed the pond, and were now selling on American Ebay…I had to do it.

Me and the Doctor…together at last.  🙂

Tibute to Doctor Who

This is brilliant.  And be sure to watch during the credits for a hilarious bonus track!

YouTube Videos

To tide you over until I return from FaerieWorlds in Eugene, OR with lots of pics, vids, and stories to tell, here’s two of the coolest youtube videos to cross my path this week.

Why do we watch period films?  I don’t know about you, but I do it for the dresses and the dancing.  So really, all I need to watch is this video:

About halfway in, there’s even footage of David Tennant in 1700’s menswear (so cute!) and yes, he’s dancing!

And since Lost is starting its final season next week, here’s a great parady video of all the questions we need answers for.  Lost.  Best show ever that you won’t understand.  Personally, I’d watch just for the smoke monster and Sawyer.  And Ben.  This last season I’d watch just for Ben.

An Early Christmas Present for Myself…

I’ve long been a friendly internet stalker of Aimee Major Steinberger.  I love her various blogs, her art, her costume-making skills, and I adore her book on Japan.  I didn’t think anything would make me want to go to Japan, but this book did!  Plus, she’s a gardener, anime/cosplay fan, and a Dr Who fanatic.

Recently on her blog, she offered copies of her sketchbook for $4 – and, if you ordered one, she would do a sketch of your choice in the back.  Yes!

Here’s my copy:

And here’s a copy of the sketch she did for me personally:

Yes, you know it….of course I asked her to sketch the 10th Doctor!

And speaking of the Doctor, don’t forget that tonight is the US premiere of The Waters of Mars on BBC America.  I’ve seen it, and it’s marvelous.

This helps with the heartbreak.

If you’ve been following this blog at all, you already know I’m addicted to Dr Who, and absolutely adore David Tennant in the role.  With only two more episodes (3 more in America) with my beloved Ten as the Doctor, I’m feeling the heartbreak.

However, I came across something that gives me a reason to look forward to Eleven: 18th century Venice!  This article is google-translated to English, so it’s kind of…interesting to read, but oh, the PICTURES!  Besides it being my favorite place in the world, this is (possibly) my favorite time period for costuming.  If I like Eleven anywhere near as well as I do Ten, this episode will be a heavenly hour.

Awesome Coolness

It seems like lately I’ve been coming across all these Awesome Things of Win, and thinking that I needed to blog about them.  But instead I end up checking my facebook and going to bed.  I now have a massive backlog, and since bed is still a good 5 – 6 hours away, I’m going to play a bit of catch-up.

First off, an Abney Park update.


It was the squee heard ’round the world when Captain Robert updated his livejournal to announce the new album was DONE.  Yes!  And not only DONE, but slated to be released around the 14th of this month.  Guess who is not only buying a copy for herself, instantly, but is also buying a few more for Christmas gifts?  Yup.  How can you resist giving the gift of steampunk to your nearest and dearest?

Second, (and equally dear to my heart) is a David Tennant update.  While this didn’t quite rate a squee, it did get a gasp of surprise that bought the family over to the computer to see what I was surfing.


His next project will be playing a lawyer on AMERICAN TV.  Which accent will he use?  I’m rooting for his natural Scottish one.  Plus, is there any chance at all NBC will make him wear a kilt?  I guarantee it will raise the ratings among the female demographic!

And now, a bit of shopping.  Etsy has such awesome stores.  Too bad I personally can’t afford anything in this store.  Their steampunk-inspired stuff is bloody fabulous.  Look at this:


Or this:


I think I’m going to have to stop thinking about taking up leatherwork, and just buy me a piece of leather.

More elegant is this store:


Masks, chokers, bracelets, and all manner of tatted goodness.  Check out her ankle-wear:


And then there’s the absolutely freaking fabulous steampunk store, Clockwork Couture.  I am always in love with the fashion I find on this site, but was particularly struck by this new piece: The Time Traveler’s Corset.


Newspaper!  With keys and other things attached!

timetravelercorsetcloseup copy_0

And lastly, speaking of time travel, one of the few ways we can do it is through films.  I was delighted when the creator of this highly useful blog found me on my dress diary site, and introduced me to it.  She tracks period films, both released and upcoming, on tv and in the theater.  She has interviews with actors, trailers, rumors, and photographs.  For a costumer, this site is pure gold.  My favorite feature is the “latest news and upcoming films” feature.  Here’s just a tiny glimpse of the films on the list:

Cleo – a musical version of the story of Cleopatra, set in the 1920’s. I don’t know about you, but this just fills me with glee.

Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell.  It has a release date of 2010, and it’s based on one of the best and most perfect novels ever written.

Upstairs, Downstairs.  They’re doing a re-make!  Yes!!!!!

The Queen.  This is a miniseries event about the life of Queen Elizabeth II, staring 5 different actresses (to play her at different decades in her life) and set to air this month.  In the UK, of course, but hopefully it’ll come either to BBC America or at least to DVD.

And the list of films goes on and on.  It’s brilliant!

Release Date for New Doctor Who

November 15th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Of course, that’s in the UK; the Americans will have to wait until “around Christmas” for the episode to air on BBC America.  Some Americans, that is: I will of course be watching it online on the 15th.  And again around Christmas, and again when it’s released on DVD.  Because I’m just obsessed that way!  🙂

Here’s a link to a fab little interview and video with David Tennant on those last few episodes….


Because I haven’t posted in awhile…

…I’m going to give you a glut of goodness.  (Well, it’s a glut if you’re a fan-geek oddball like me!  🙂 )


Yay for Easter and the new Doctor Who episode “Planet of the Dead”.  I seriously did not want to go out or celebrate Easter in any other way, I just wanted to curl up with my computer and watch my Doctor.  As with the last episode, though, it was a bittersweet pleasure.  I’m still devastated that David Tennant is leaving.

Rammstein.  I found this group because I’m researching the Columbine School Shooting.  While I was reading the shooters’ journals and writing, I also checked into their favorite films and music.  I was surprised to discover what excellent taste they had – they and I are pretty much liking the same groups and films.  Does this mean they’re more normal than I imagined, or that I’m more weird?  Not sure, but now I’m obsessing over Rammstein’s music.


The fact that they sing in German only adds to the allure, as I love the sound of spoken German.  Must be genetic memory; I have a heck of a lot of German ancestry.

And I sold my first artist doll/figurine overseas!  Yes, the “Steampunk Penguin” is now steampunking it over in Sweden.


Simplicity has just released three new awesome patterns:


How fabulous would this be for steampunk?  I’ve always wanted a driving costume…in different colors, though, I think.


And I cannot tell you how happy I am to see Simplicity doing a fairly accurate Tudor era pattern.   A little tweaking, this could be perfect!


With underthings to match!  Yay for corsets and bumrolls!

Lastly, I spent an hour sorting my closet, and for a lark I counted my shoes.


Anyone care to hazard a guess?

Not counting my cosplay and costume shoes (such as my black vinyl lace-up over the knee boots with 5″ heels! Hehehe!) I own sixty-three pairs.

Sixty-three pairs of ordinary, everyday shoes.

Yeah, that just about says it all, doesn’t it?

Dr. Who Sings! He Dances! (Maybe)

Tennant Eyes Dr Who Musical

21 December 2008 11:53 PM, PST | From wenn.com

Doctor Who star David Tennant is keen for the cult TV show to be turned into a musical – because he loves “a song and a dance.”

The Scottish actor is adamant the sci-fi programme would easily translate to the stage, but would prefer to keep a musical version on TV screens as it would be difficult to find the time for a long-running live production.

He says, “Doctor Who: The Musical has been mentioned. I would be up for it. I love a song and a dance. The thing about a musical is you have to commit for a year and a half and it’s eight times a week.”

Tennant was recently forced to pull out of his run in a London production of Shakespeare’s Hamlet due to a back injury.

This is just a quickie, but I had to post about this. Three of my favorite things in the world are Dr. Who, David Tennant, and musicals….but together? If it’s done right, it could be great, something along the line of the supreme coolness that was the Buffy musical. If we could just get Joss Whedon on board – he is a WhoFan, and there was talk of him directing/writing an episode….

I’m just not sure the world is ready for a conga line of dancing Ood. On the other hand, there is this to prepare us:


He’s what? He’s…regenerating?

My whole world just crashed and burned.

Well, okay, not my whole world, just the 1/8th of it that is currently Doctor Who obsessed… David Tennant has announced he’s going to leave the show after the four specials currently planned for 2009.

FOUR MORE SPECIALS! It isn’t even going to be a complete season! I’m honestly in shock, since he specifically squashed previous rumors that he was planning to leave.  But here it is, out of David’s own bloody gorgeous mouth:


And who will become the 11th Doctor?